Helen Washington

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Have you been bolstering up that soul of yours with the idea that your circumstances are too much for God? Put all your "supposing" on one side and dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. Deliberately tell God that you will not fret about that thing.All fret and worry is caused by calculating without God.

~Oswald Chambers~

I ran into this quote this past week. When I say ran into, I mean with the force of slamming into an invisible plate glass window. I have felt dazed and bruised by the words ever since.

There are so many scenarios I suppose about which aren't true. Even with concrete facts to add to my suppositions, I am often wrong. I can spend a lot of time making a case of "what if's" when time would be more beneficial trusting in the great I Am.

It's tempting to harbor hard places close to the heart and deem them untouchable, impossible and maybe impenetrable. I want to learn to dwell in the shadow and not in the scorching heat of my trials.

I think the evidence of hiding under the shelter of God's care might resemble the flowers above. The petals crinkled and a bit faded but if you look closely, the flower still retains its beauty, maybe additional character. In fact, birds will take great delight in feasting on its seeds.

There is a lot to fret and worry about during this current season. I am going to deliberately tell God as many time as I have to that I will not fret about all the things which occupy and are contained in my mind. I will whisper and shout it as often as needed but mostly I will listen as to not crowd out His voice or presence.

I will remember my calculations are often misleading.

God excels at higher math than me.

May we be aware of all the places of fretting and worrying.

May we live and move and have our being with God.

May we dwell under the immense shadow of God.

May we land on the right side of our cares.